Now Available: Mothers & Daughters

Mothers Daughters CoverMothers & Daughters

A La Palabra: The Word is a Woman Anthology

Compiled and Edited by Jessica Helen Lopez & Katrina K Guarascio
Photography by Mariah Bottomly
Available at Amazon and CreateSpace for $14.95.
Available at Bookworks ABQ  and Cafe Bella Coffee for $10.00

Mothers & Daughters is the second book published as an anthology produced by La Palabra – The Word is a Woman. It is a collection of poetry and some non-fiction prose. Similar to our first self-titled book, it is an effort of workshop participants (in conjunction with the annual Women & Creativity month-long series), as well as a call for national submissions. In this collection you will surely find stories like your own, and some not at all. By way of black and white photography, you will be invited into the home and hearth of women, the familial ties that bind mothers to their daughters and vice versa. It is an intergenerational journey of unconditional love, compassion, faith and sometimes loss, heartbreak and even disappointment. Here are poems and stories of humor, exasperation, healing, and protectiveness. Here are stories about you and yours. La Palabra is a humble collective, a steady heartbeat, a clanging gong. Our publications are modest, but steeped with fierce pride and joy in the Word. An everlasting fidelity in the name of Woman.