Featured SwEP Author: Matthew Brown

Swimming with Elephants Publications, LLC would like to reintroduce to you to Matthew Brown.

Matthew Brown’s collection, Verbrennen, was published from Swimming with Elephants Publications in January 2014 marking it one of the earliest publications by SwEP.

Listen to Matthew Brown perform a poem from his collection here:

Pick up Matthew Brown’s collection, Verbrennen, from Bookworks ABQ

or order from Amazon or Barnes and Noble today!

Already own a copy? Please write a review on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Goodreads, or submit a review to swimwithelephants@gmail.com for publications on this site.


MattMatthew Brown

Matthew Brown is a young poet born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Though relatively new to slam poetry, he has preformed alongside some of Albuquerque’s most seasoned poets, and represented New Mexico two years in a row as a member Unidos Poetry Collective at Brave New Voices. Matthew Brown’s poems expose social, racial, and economic inequalities from both a Hispanic and African American perspective.

Acknowledging the Elephant!

IBookst’s time this elephant officially came out to play!Save the evening of June 14th to hear poetry from some of our wonderful authors and save your dimes to buy their books. Hosted by the Artbar on Gold and Second Street in Albuquerque, NM, this event is basically an open-house for our authors to share and talk about the works they have published or been a part of and the future of this emerging publishing company.CCFounded by Katrina K Guarascio, SwEP is an independent publishing agency that publishes/promotes the community-minded, working artist/writer, and raises funds and awareness for youth writers in the community. Blue-collar artistic elephants!

CuntBomb Promo 1On hand will be current (and near future) published SwEP authors and contributors like Zachary Kluckman, Jessica Helen Lopez, Katrina K Guarascio, Gina Marselle, Benjamin Bormann, and more!

Also, musician extraordinaire Keith Sanchez will open and close the show with his awesome musica!

Special Pricing: All books are $10.95 credit/check or $10 cash.

Swimming with Elephants Publications Available for Purchase at Event:

Catching Calliope Winter 2014
Catching Calliope Spring 2014
Cumulus Collections
Light as a Feather
To The Last Word 2014
Nika Ann’s To Anyone Who Has Ever Loved a Writer
Emily Bjustrom’s Loved Always Tomorrow
Matthew Brown’s Verbrennen 
Katrina K Guarascio & Gina Marselle’s September 
Katrina K Guarascio & Shawna Cory’s my verse,
Zachary Kluckman’s Some of it is Muscle
Jessica Helen Lopez’s Cunt.Bomb.
Books 2


A Review of “Verbrennen”

VerMatthew Brown’s Poetry Book, “Verbrennen” is Angry
a review by Mikel K

The poems in Matthew Brown’s book, “Verbrennen,” which is published by Swimming With Elephant Publications, are direct and have a lot of purpose. They are also angry poems, which given the subject matter of the poems is understandable if you have a heart and a soul. The bio on the back cover of his book states that Matthew’s poems “expose social, racial, and economic inequalities,” and that is exactly what they do, except for the first poem in the book, “Jose,” which starts off being about his grizzly grandfather and then twists into being about the narrator himself and his bad temper, which seems to have been passed down to him from his grandfather. “Jose,” is an intense poem; the twist in its direction adds to the energy of the poem.

The second poem, “Choice,” is about abortion, or more aptly about the two sides taken on the issue of abortion. The poem is addressed to a woman named Tara who we learn in the poem’s introduction is “a campaigner against reproductive rights.”

“It doesn’t matter who won
over the ban on abortion
because you and I won’t stop fighting for what we believe in,”
is how the poem starts.
It ends with,

“The difference is that my mother knows mercy, loss,
and acceptance
Something that you and your church
know nothing about.”

In this poem, as in all the poems in his book, Matthew has a clear voice. You know where he stands on things. He doesn’t mince words, or beat around the bush.

The third poem in the book, “Feast,” is a searing indictment of the white man’s treatment of the Indians in this great nation of ours. Key lines from the poem are,

“Our relatives will flee from their minivans
like the pilgrims fled from the Mayflower,”

“And in the true American tradition
They will take advantage of
other people’s hospitality,”

“Use the water from the Trail of tearsto fill our crockpots.”
By now, we all know that the Indians got screwed by the white man, but Matthew is more eloquent than most of us could be in his description of the cruelty and self-justification that the white man exhibited in “founding” the “new” land.

“Enola,” is a poem that deals with the Americans bombing of Hiroshima. It would seem that the death and suffering of such a large, large number of people is ignored by most of us, but Matthew is on target in his observations of the occurrence in this poem.

“It’s interesting that when minorities are poor
we call it a statistic
But when whites can’t afford to pay their mortgage,
we call it a recession,”

are key lines from the poem, “Recession,” which speaks of the discrepancies and unfairness that exist between rich folks and poor people using the recent recession to highlight these differences.

“Cake,” “Valor,” and “Blood Diamond,” are angry outbursts at Paula Dean, American usage of drones, and the diamond industry. Each is a fine poem, thought provoking, and original.

VerbrennenThis book would not be enjoyed by a conservative Republican is my guess. It does not portray the Amerika that was taught to us in school. It tells the truth.

Verbrennen is currently available through Amazon and CreateSpace for $10.95. Check it out today.

Also, check out Verbrennen and other fine poetry books at:


Mikel K



Spontaneous Shameless Self- Promotion Tuesday!


Spontaneous Shameless Self Promotion Tuesday

Once a month Swimming with Elephants Publications will offer special pricing on select titles for 24 hours.

The titles will change every month, so check back regularly to get a good deal when you purchase on-line.

The following titles will only be available at this on-line discount from noon March 18 to noon on March 19, so stock up now. 

VerToday only we have special prices on:

Matthew Brown’s Verbrennen, Writer

Nika Ann’s To Anyone Who Has Ever Loved a Writer

& the top selling Rio Rancho Youth Poetry Community’s first anthology Catching Calliope Winter 2014.


These titles, usually priced from $10.05 – 12.95, will be available for $7.95. Today only!

Regular pricing will return tomorrow, so place your orders today!

The Second Saturday Slam featuring Matthew Brown

MattSponsored by the Rio Rancho Youth Poetry Community, you are cordially invited to the Second Saturday Slam at Cafe Bella Coffee!

The Second Saturday Slam will feature the poetic talents of ABQ youth poet Matthew Brown, who will be debuting his newest publications: Verbrennen. Bring a little extra cash to take a piece of Matt home with you.

VerbrennenCome by around 6:30 to sign up for the open mic and the slam, and listen to stylings of The Second Saturday Band. (Keep… in mind Cafe Bella doesn’t open till 6:15ish o…n these nights). …

The slam list is limited to six and will be run head to head style, per our norm, so if you want to Slam you best get on the list early. This will be a qualifying slam for ABQSlams.

This is a free event, but we do request you purchase a beverage or snack from Cafe Bella and tip your baristas. We also will be accepting donations for the Rio Rancho Youth Poetry Community.

This is an all ages family friendly venue (that’s right kids, try not to cuss so much and I’ll work at it too :0) which will hopefully create a comfy, regular home for poetry in Rio Rancho.

If you can’t make the show, pick up Matt’s book on Amazon: Verbrennen.

Now Available: Verbrennen by Matthew Brown

VerbrennenSwimming with Elephants Publications is proud to announce its newest publication: Verbrennen by Matthew Brown.  

To order from creatspace: Verbrennen

To order from Amazon.com:Verbrennen


Matthew Brown is a young poet born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Though relatively new to slam poetry, he has preformed alongside some of Albuquerque’s most seasoned poets, and represented New Mexico two years in a row as a member Unidos Poetry Collective at Brave New Voices. Matthew Brown’s poems expose social, racial, and economic inequalities from a Hispanic, gay, and African American perspective.